10 Tips for Writing Content that Ranks

Many factors contribute to a website reaching and maintaining high positions in search results for target terms. These factors include user experience, site structure, alt tags on images, site maps, and more. Above all content is definitely still king. However, not all types of content can rule over the kingdom of SERPs. The following are 10 tips for writing content that will help your website rank higher in search results:

1. Write for users, optimize for robots

2. Forget about keyword density and keyword stuffing

3. Integrate related keywords, synonyms, and grammatical variations into your content

4. Use Google’s free tools to find long-tail keyword variations that you can blend into your site copy

5. Focus on writing long, in-depth, quality content

6. Target high quality low competition long-tail keywords

7. Write content that answer’s common questions from prospects

8. Get your content noticed and shared on social media platforms

9. Strive to build your AuthorRank and develop your Google+ profile

10. Don’t forget about title tags and meta descriptions, they are the first thing people typically see in search results

While there is no simple formula for achieving top positions in search results, these tips will help appease both search engines and your site visitors. In addition to the tips above, focus on adding new and sharable content to your website or blog regularly. Google prefers websites that update their content on a regularly, so the more often that you update your website the more likely Google is to crawl your website. Don't make it complicated, keep things simple, manageable and have with it!

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