3 Ways To Drive Leads For Your B2B Content Strategy

Reuse, Repurpose, Regenerate - The 3 Rs of Content Marketing

A mentor of mine once said something I have been saying for quite some time which is basically that not only is it ok to reuse existing content, it makes a lot of sense, too!

She said "marketers can derive multiple uses from a single piece of content." She used examples such as a video that could double as a call to action while also living on the given company's YouTube channel. The transcript of the same video could be converted into a white paper and/or blog post.

In other words, go ahead and use the materials you already have "lying around." Companies have a wealth of information they use every day that would make for great fodder for Content Marketing such as information they can glean from sales fliers and presentations, annual reports, user manuals, customer service manuals, charts, and on and on.

All they need to do is position it as a value added service they're providing to their prospects and customers. Use the information from the aforementioned items as a way to educate their prospects and customers on ALL that they do for chances are there are some products and services that they may not even know you offer which could of course lead to more sales opportunities for you

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